Everything Your Organization Needs in One Place: Inspire Products

Inspire has four product lines available to address the needs of the life science industry and other healthcare organizations, like hospitals and clinics.

Thousands of patients within Inspire’s communities are interested in and actively looking for opportunities to participate in clinical trials. They are members with rare diseases as well as more common conditions. They are asking each other questions like:

“How do I know if a clinical trial is right for me? How do I know if I am right for a particular clinical trial? Maybe I’m just not as smart as so many of you, but when I go to the trial websites, it’s all so confusing to me. I just get so overwhelmed. What is my doctor’s role in all this?”

Yet nationwide, around 75% of clinical trials are not meeting their enrollment timelines. To address this need, Inspire has developed an end-to-end solution for full service clinical trial recruitment called Inspire Recruit.  The goal is to provide our members with more options and to be part of the answer to reducing the time, energy and money it takes to bring medications and devices to market. With Inspire’s long history of engaging patients in research and its unique tools for capturing patient- and caregiver-generated insights at scale, Inspire Recruit is a unique and valuable option. This new service is available now.

Inspire’s community outreach and relationship building has forged strong connections with patients and caregivers dealing with chronic conditions. A new initiative, Inspire Launch, is an opportunity for healthcare and life science organizations to connect with patients and caregivers in a safe, defined location on social media.

People are intrinsically motivated to return frequently to their support communities. This provides multiple opportunities to engage with, educate and learn from difficult to reach, and under-studied populations. A sponsored community can provide access to potential clinical trial research participants who can inform development of clinical trials. Inspire’s full-time moderation ensures compliance with organizations conservation standards.

For the life science industry and healthcare organizations, sponsoring a community on Inspire is a valuable gateway to incorporating the patient voice into drug and medical device development and evaluation, meeting research and product improvement goals, as well as providing benefit to patients. To learn about the effectiveness of launching a community, read the post, Launching communities with Inspire: The Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (PNET) Support Community, and the associated case study, Launching communities with Inspire: The Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor (PNET) support community.

Patients and caregivers join communities on Inspire based on the conditions and interests. With Inspire Promote, companies and organizations can market directly to their target audience. If your organization is interested in reaching patients with psoriasis, Inspire has a community called the TalkPsoriasis with over 150,000 members.  If your life science company needs to reach patients with a rare cancer, like pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer, the PNET support community has over 4500 members.

There are four engagement options provided in Inspire Promote: display advertising, which includes community banners or activity summary banners, targeted custom emails to members and sponsored content.  Our case study, Inspire Promote: Targeting Engaged Patients Makes A Difference, describes the return on investment of one life science companies use of Inspire Promote. See the case study below.

Inspire Insights is the research component of our product line-up. Patient and caregiver members have the opportunity to opt-in to research on Inspire and thousands do.

We provide five patient-centric platforms.

1)   Private research communities are built and hosted by Inspire. These communities allow for long-term interaction with patient and caregivers. The case study, Sleep Disorders: Private Research Community, describes one client’s use of this research tool.

2)   Surveys conducted with Inspire are unique because of the short turn-around times we obtain. Our motivated members respond quickly. We have been able to obtain 150 responses to a 15-minute survey within 10 hours of deployment. Take a look at our Third Annual Survey to can see the depth of information available through analysis of survey data.

3)   User-generated content analysis is another strategy that can be employed to obtain rich understandings of the patient journey. Stripped of identifiers, discourse or thematic analysis can be conducted on public postings. Our eBook, How Does Pharma Learn to Speak Patient, explains the power of discourse analysis conducted by Inspire.

4)   Virtual patient interviews, conducted by Inspire’s experienced moderators, uncover unvoiced attitudes and beliefs of members. In-depth discovery and patient intelligence are gleaned from a mix of open-ended and specific, drill-down questions. The blogpost, Finding patients with rare cancers quickly, and the case study, Gaining Understanding of the Needs of Rare Cancer Patients to Enhance Clinical Trial Participation, provides some insights on using virtual patient interviews on Inspire.

5) Inspire is now offering data mining. In a recent study published in JAMA  with Stanford University, an analysis of 8 million anonymized postings from Inspire’s cancer communities identified an adverse drug reaction to a chemotherapy drug which had never been reported in the medical literature.  Inspire members had been discussing this dangerous side effect for over 11 years. Inspire has over over 10 million public postings across rare and chronic, autoimmune and cancer communities.


Finding patients and caregivers facing and living with chronic diagnoses,  especially those with rare diseases or specific cancer mutations can be challenging. A case study, Finding the Rarest of the Rare for Market Research,  is an example of Inspire’s capabilities and reveals the power of  this Community of communities. Through Inspire, healthcare and life science organizations can obtain genuine insights into the reality–the “lived experience”–of disease management from the patients and caregivers perspective.

See our case study, Targeting Engaged Patients Makes A Difference

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Inspire offers a trusted community to patients and caregivers.  Our goal with this blog, this website and our content is to provide the life science industry access to the true, authentic patient voice.  In so doing, we support faithful operationalization of patient-centricity.  Take a look at our case studies, eBooks and news outlet coverage.