Patient Support Needs Patient Input

Patient Support Needs Patient Input By Jeff Terkowitz Here’s a patient support marketing scenario: You’re in charge of creating a patient support program that reaches out past the point of prescription. The drug you’re supporting is a molecule that requires long-term adherence to be effective. You’re looking for end-to-end results. You’re undoubtedly considering a range of options from nurse follow-up calls to automated text reminders to remote patient monitoring with wearables. Perhaps you need choose between specialty pharmacies or hubs or are involved in creating a training program so specialty pharmacies can provide the best patient support [...]

May 2020By |0 Comments

Involve Pharma Marketing Early in Drug Development

Involve Pharma Marketing Early in Drug Development By Richard Tsai In 2009, PricewaterhouseCooper published a paper predicting the landscape of pharma marketing in the decade to come titled “Pharma 2020: Marketing the Future - Which Path Will You Take?” What were they expecting then, and how does it compare with today’s remarkable and fluid pharma reality? One of the predictions was, “By 2020, pay-for-performance will be the norm in many countries.”1 In 2009, it was a simple matter; if the patient received a prescription, there would be payment. The authors anticipated that health outcomes would become the [...]

Apr 2020By |0 Comments

How is COVID-19 Impacting Patients and the Life Science Industry?

How is COVID-19 Impacting Patients and the Life Science Industry? By Jeff Terkowitz As a virtual business, Inspire has a head start in dealing with social distancing and COVID-19. Many of our employees work virtually. Our patient and caregiver members have always communicated virtually and during this time are actively engaged in discussing the impact the Coronavirus and COVID-19 are having on their behaviors, concerns and needs. Proactive as ever, Inspire created a new resource for Coronavirus including a map of where people are discussing their experiences, videos of Inspire members participating in our #keepusallsafe public awareness [...]

Apr 2020By |0 Comments

Continuing Critical Patient-Centric Research Virtually during COVID19

Continuing Critical Patient-Centric Research Virtually during COVID19 By Richard Tsai The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing all kinds of businesses and research institutions to find ways of working that provide results similar to what we’re used to gaining from human social interaction. For example, being mindful of the time healthcare professionals need to dedicate to the pandemic has resulted in tremendous delays in HCP-based market research programs. Many clinical trial sites have temporarily suspended work that not only impacts existing enrolled patients but also greatly reduces recruitment. How can we continue critical research programs amidst these challenges? As [...]

Mar 2020By |0 Comments

Caregivers and Treatment Decisions

Caregivers and Treatment Decisions By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD, MSPH Besides patients and doctors, who else influences treatment adherence at the consumer level? Marketing might look to one group that has multiple points of influence: Caregivers. Several studies confirm that caregivers are an important factor in a patient’s decisions, including decisions on medication. One study called "The Role of the Family in Treatment Decision Making by Patients With Cancer,” said, “Family opinions have a significant impact on patients’ treatment decisions and psychological well-being....Family care of patients typically involves monitoring patients’ medications.” Another study entitled, “Patient Centered Care: A [...]

Mar 2020By |0 Comments

Caregivers: An Untapped Resource for Clinical Research

Caregivers: An Untapped Resource for Clinical Research By Hannah Eccard, MA Caregivers provide substantial support to the health and well-being of patients in the US. One of their contributions involves helping patients search for, and participate in, clinical trials. Caregivers turn to Inspire for help finding and accessing clinical trials. My father was diagnosed [date] with stage 4 [type] cancer. He has been on numerous rounds of chemotherapy and last scan showed the cancer has progressed…We are now waiting news of any clinical trial he is eligible for…. He is in stable condition now without any issues... [...]

Mar 2020By |0 Comments

Where Can I Get This ‘Real World Data’ You Speak Of?

Where Can I Get This ‘Real World Data’ You Speak Of? By Robert Gardner How far has the importance of Real World Evidence advanced as part of treatment development? When the attendees of a recent eyeforpharma webinar were asked, “Are you, or will you soon be using RWE for enabling new types of value or outcomes-based assessment within your own firm?” 35 percent responded that they already consider RWE “a universal and necessary standard,” with another 26 percent saying RWE is or will be used as evidence in developing “specialty and high-priced treatments.” A “universal and [...]

Dec 2019By |0 Comments

Do Patients Care About What Your Drug Does?

Do Patients Care About What Your Drug Does? By Sara Ray, MA Be sure the trial outcomes echo the patient voice, article says In most randomized pharmaceutical clinical trials, researchers are looking for a statistically significant performance difference between the two courses of therapy. But which is more important to the patient: Statistically significant improvement of a variable, or clinically significant improvement? “The operation was a success, but the patient died” is a succinct example of a misplaced sense of priorities. The patient was probably hoping for a better result than academic satisfaction. Here’s another example. [...]

Oct 2019By |0 Comments

Clinical Trials and PROs: What Patients with Rare Diseases Say

Clinical Trials and PROs: What Patients with Rare Diseases Say By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH Challenges to developing clinical trials for rare diseases begin with their rarity – each condition affects fewer than 200,000 Americans. Approximately seventy-five percent of those affected by rare diseases are children. It is estimated that 80 percent of rare diseases are caused by genetic changes. Many rare diseases are progressive and debilitating. One third of the children affected by these conditions do not reach 5 years of age.1 Getting to a rare disease diagnosis can take years. In a way, it [...]

Oct 2019By |0 Comments

What Members Tell Each Other About Clinical Trials

What Members Tell Each Other About Clinical Trials By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH "Failing to enroll a sufficient number of subjects in a trial is a long-standing problem"1 but understanding the factors impeding enrollment can be difficult. Public posts on social media are an effective resource for understanding how patients feel and what they understand about clinical trials. On Inspire, “clinical trials” are a popular topic. Close to 58,000 posts mention clinical trials. A cursory search of Inspire postings show the diversity of opinions and understandings: some member posts provide solid information, some members post incorrect [...]

Oct 2019By |1 Comment