Referring patients to clinical trials is personal, study shows

Referring patients to clinical trials is personal, study shows By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH Why is it so hard to get physicians to refer patients to clinical trials?  One cynical assumption is that physicians are afraid they’ll lose that patient’s business.  Not so, according to a Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development survey.1 Doctors are confident about and familiar with the clinical trial process. The survey of over 750 physicians found a high degree of comfort with clinical trials; almost 90 percent said they were comfortable providing and discussing clinical trial opportunities with patients. Yet [...]

Mar 2019By |0 Comments

Looking for Guidance? FDA and PFDD at “Patients as Partners” 2019

Looking for Guidance? FDA and PFDD at "Patients as Partners" 2019 By Hannah Eccard Pujita Vaidya, Senior Advisor, Patient Focused Drug Development (PFDD) program at the Center for Drug Development and Research (CDER) at the FDA, told an audience at the Patients as Partners Conference last week that patients are the experts on their conditions and on day-to-day life with their disease. A patient outcome—where improvement with treatment is meaningful in daily life—can only be understood in a patient’s own words. Vaidya noted that, “patients ‘chief complaints’ may not be factored explicitly into drug development plans.” 1 [...]

Mar 2019By |0 Comments

Patient and caregiver perceptions of clinical trials: Preliminary findings

Patient and caregiver perceptions of clinical trials: Preliminary findings By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD, MSPH Many of you have been in Philadelphia for the “Patients as Partners Conference.” Yesterday, Hannah Eccard, Research manager at Inspire, participated in a panel discussion titled, “Mapping Out the Patient Decision Journey.” The panel discussed the link between understanding patients --their lives, lifestyle, experiences-- and trial protocol design. Recently, Inspire’s research team completed the preliminary analysis of a survey to understand patient and caregiver perceptions and attitudes toward clinical trials. Over 1500 (1644), patient and caregiver members  experiencing either ovarian, prostate or colorectal [...]

Mar 2019By |0 Comments

Over Two-Thirds of Inspire’s Membership Want Clinical Trial Information

Over Two-Thirds of Inspire’s Membership Want Clinical Trial Information By Richard Tsai Recently a member of a rare disease community on Inspire asked fellow members, “What should I know about clinical trials? Are they worth it? Any information would be helpful. Thank you.” Among the replies they received: “Unfortunately, we’ve not had many opportunities to participate in [rare disease] clinical trials. In my opinion, if a pharmaceutical company, medical device developer, etc. has gone through the required steps to get to human trials for [rare disease]--I’d absolutely want to help them by participating!” In another rare [...]

Sep 2018By |0 Comments