Introducing Inspire Recruit

Introducing Inspire Recruit Commonly discussed statistics on patient enrollment and retention in clinical research paint a bleak picture. Clinical trial on-time completion rates are low--only around 20%. This is due in part to the fact that 85% of clinical trials fail to retain enough patients.1 The causes may lie in the low levels of knowledge about clinical trials. A recent survey found that only 19% of the public felt very informed about clinical trials.2 The actions of Inspire’s 1.3 million members reflect this uncertainty.  Searching Inspire for “clinical trials” yields over 50,000 unique discussions. “Looking for clinical [...]

Finding Patients With Rare Cancers Quickly

Finding Patients with Rare Cancers Quickly Almost one-third of all cancer deaths are caused by rare cancers but rare cancers represent only between 23.4% and 27% of all cancer cases.1 Between 25 and 30 million Americans and around 30 million people in the European Union live with rare diseases.2 Rare cancers are classified under rare diseases and are defined by the EU Society of Medical Oncology as having an incidence of less than six occurring per 100,000 persons per year.3 The National Cancer Institutes define the incidence of rare cancers as 15 per 100,000 persons per year.4 [...]

Jan 2018By |0 Comments

Diversity Initiatives? Are They Worth It?

Diversity Initiatives? Are They Worth It? When I asked audience members at a panel discussion during the inaugural Clinical Leader Forum, held in Philadelphia on May 10-11, 2017, three questions about diversity in clinical trials, I got some surprising answers. The questions were: How many attendees come from organizations that value diversity? How many come from organizations that prioritize diversity? How many attendees acknowledge their own personal biases that may impact their ability to effectively address diversification? Although many in the audience came from organizations that value diversity, there were fewer that came from organizations that are [...]