Targeting Your Audience: Where and How to Engage Millennials with Health Messages

Targeting Your Audience: Where and How to Engage Millennials with Health Messages By Sara Ray In Clinical Trials: 8 Reasons Researchers Should Pay Attention to Millennials, I identified unique cohort characteristics and experiences that have impacted millennials.1 Constant connectivity and technological sophistication inform and shape their lives and outlook. We explored where and how they spent their time online as healthcare consumers. To learn more, the research team at Inspire surveyed over 300 members between the ages of 18 and 36. (see note below) We focused on where and why they are active online, and their [...]

Aug 2018By |0 Comments

Everything Your Organization Needs in One Place: Inspire Products

Everything Your Organization Needs in One Place: Inspire Products Inspire has four product lines available to address the needs of the life science industry and other healthcare organizations, like hospitals and clinics. Thousands of patients within Inspire’s communities are interested in and actively looking for opportunities to participate in clinical trials. They are members with rare diseases as well as more common conditions. They are asking each other questions like: “How do I know if a clinical trial is right for me? How do I know if I am right for a [...]