Clinical Trials and PROs: What Patients with Rare Diseases Say

Clinical Trials and PROs: What Patients with Rare Diseases Say By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH Challenges to developing clinical trials for rare diseases begin with their rarity – each condition affects fewer than 200,000 Americans. Approximately seventy-five percent of those affected by rare diseases are children. It is estimated that 80 percent of rare diseases are caused by genetic changes. Many rare diseases are progressive and debilitating. One third of the children affected by these conditions do not reach 5 years of age.1 Getting to a rare disease diagnosis can take years. In a way, it [...]

Oct 2019By |0 Comments

What Members Tell Each Other About Clinical Trials

What Members Tell Each Other About Clinical Trials By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH "Failing to enroll a sufficient number of subjects in a trial is a long-standing problem"1 but understanding the factors impeding enrollment can be difficult. Public posts on social media are an effective resource for understanding how patients feel and what they understand about clinical trials. On Inspire, “clinical trials” are a popular topic. Close to 58,000 posts mention clinical trials. A cursory search of Inspire postings show the diversity of opinions and understandings: some member posts provide solid information, some members post incorrect [...]

Oct 2019By |1 Comment

Real World Data to Real World Evidence

Real World Data to Real World Evidence By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD MSPH You’ve started a medication, and you feel “off” in some way. How “off” do you have to feel before you mention it to your doctor or until you or she sends an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) report to the FDA through the MedWatch program? On the other hand, how “off” do you have to feel before mentioning it to your peers in an online health community? A study conducted by Inspire and Stanford University found that people mentioned an ADR for a specific drug [...]

Oct 2019By |0 Comments

Are You Listening to Patients? Patient Preferences and Clinical Trial Design

Are You Listening to Patients? Patient Preferences and Clinical Trial Design By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD, MSPH Last fall, over 1500 Inspire members living with sarcoidosis, scleroderma, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, arthritis and psoriasis, completed a  survey on exploring patient preferences and insights on clinical trials. Our recent webinar, "A Hopeful Mindset," described preliminary results. Thirty-nine percent of respondents had cancer, 32% had a chronic condition - arthritis or psoriasis - and 29% had a rare disease. Over the next few months we will be sharing more details from the data.  Last week in "5 Benefits [...]

Jun 2019By |0 Comments

5 Benefits of Patient Focused Drug Development Sponsors Need to Know

The Patient Is Speaking: 5 Benefits of Patient Focused Drug Development Sponsors and CROs Need to Know By Sara Ray, MA Since the 2012 FDASIA reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) and the 21st Century Cures Act ‐‐ Directing and Enabling Patient Focused Drug Development in 2016, integrating the patient perspective has been a priority. Our research team has conducted studies with patient and caregiver Inspire members for a variety of sponsors. I'd like to describe how these research projects produce important patient insights that inform and can improve clinical trials. Patient focused drug [...]

May 2019By |0 Comments

A Hopeful Mindset: Patient Insights on Clinical Trials Webinar

A Hopeful Mindset: Patient Insights on Clinical Trials Webinar By Kathleen Hoffman, PhD, MSPH In November 2018, Inspire sent a clinical trial perceptions research survey to caregiver and patient members with the following conditions: ovarian, colorectal and prostate cancer; scleroderma and sarcoidosis; and psoriasis and arthritis. Over 1600 respondents completed instrument. Members were asked, “If you were eligible for a clinical trial, how interested would you be in participating?” One "very interested" member explained, “Scleroderma is a rare autoimmune disease which has no cure, so any research would help the future.” Another stated, “I have advanced cardiac [...]

May 2019By |0 Comments

Wearable Devices Revolutionize Clinical Trials… But when?

Wearable Devices Revolutionize Clinical Trials...But when? By Richard Tsai Here is the vision: Wearable devices open the floodgates to clinical trial participation. Patient-centric and portable, they’ll free the participants from multiple visits to the clinical site. Technology collects millions of data points per user per day, and then transmits it directly to researchers. High participation and rich real-world data and evidence (RWD/RWE) streamline clinical trials, satisfy 21st Century Cures Act requirements, and yield what everyone wants – a faster track to drug approval. 1 That time is coming – the Apple Watch 4 won FDA approval as [...]

May 2019By |0 Comments