The Case for Online Consumer Recruiting

The Case for Online Consumer Recruiting Over the past few years, recruiting for consumer healthcare market research has undergone a drastic change. In the past, pharma clients would take their business questions to their research vendors, who could easily leverage panel companies to fill the desired project samples and ultimately deliver successful insights back to their clients. As the industry has shifted its focus to oncologic conditions, rare diseases, orphan drugs and otherwise underserved populations, vendors are struggling to access these small, unique patient populations, resulting in partial, or even total, failures in fielding. I recently addressed [...]

Finding Patients With Rare Cancers Quickly

Finding Patients with Rare Cancers Quickly Almost one-third of all cancer deaths are caused by rare cancers but rare cancers represent only between 23.4% and 27% of all cancer cases.1 Between 25 and 30 million Americans and around 30 million people in the European Union live with rare diseases.2 Rare cancers are classified under rare diseases and are defined by the EU Society of Medical Oncology as having an incidence of less than six occurring per 100,000 persons per year.3 The National Cancer Institutes define the incidence of rare cancers as 15 per 100,000 persons per year.4 [...]

Jan 2018By |0 Comments