5 Steps to Creating a Vibrant Online Patient Community: Melanoma Research Alliance’s Melanoma>Exchange on Inspire

5 Steps to Creating a Vibrant Online Patient Community: Melanoma Research Alliance’s Melanoma>Exchange on Inspire By Judy Chandler, MPH, CHES Inspire launched a melanoma patient and caregiver support community in 2014, but was looking for a non-profit partner to contribute melanoma expertise and resources to community members. In 2017, the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA) started expanding its efforts beyond research to also include patients and caregivers. That’s when the MRA and Inspire joined forces and launched the Melanoma > Exchange Support Community on Inspire. Inspire is a true partner for MRA in our work to better serve [...]

Jan 2021By |0 Comments

What Do Patients and Caregivers Know about Immunotherapy?

What Do Patients and Caregivers Know about Immunotherapy? Inspire’s Immunotherapy Awareness and Perceptions Survey According to a 2012 study, patient activation means “having the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage one’s health.”  The study confirmed that better health outcomes are typically associated with greater patient knowledge and activation.1  As the field of oncology continues to embrace personalized medicine with immuno-oncology and immunotherapy, patient activation is essential. Today, in a world with content flooding every single channel and device we own, consumers are either over-informed, or under-informed.  A wide range of information sources, ranging from news outlets to [...]

Sep 2017By |0 Comments