Patient Support Needs Patient Input

Patient Support Needs Patient Input By Jeff Terkowitz Here’s a patient support marketing scenario: You’re in charge of creating a patient support program that reaches out past the point of prescription. The drug you’re supporting is a molecule that requires long-term adherence to be effective. You’re looking for end-to-end results. You’re undoubtedly considering a range of options from nurse follow-up calls to automated text reminders to remote patient monitoring with wearables. Perhaps you need choose between specialty pharmacies or hubs or are involved in creating a training program so specialty pharmacies can provide the best patient support [...]

What Matters Most to People Impacted by Rare Disease: An Inspire-FDA Collaboration

What Matters Most to People Impacted by Rare Disease: An Inspire-FDA Collaboration By Sara Ray What happened when we compared research strategies used to obtain patient insights? We discovered that using multiple strategies is key to gaining usable understandings. In a recent collaboration between Inspire and the FDA, we compared and contrasted patient and caregiver generated online communication with the results of one of FDA’s Voice of the Patient meetings. The Data Sets Inspire’s membership includes over 350,000 patients and caregivers living and coping with rare diseases. In the last three years, there has been 203% growth [...]

Nov 2018By |0 Comments

Rethinking patient engagement in clinical trials: Be part of the solution

Rethinking patient engagement in clinical trials: Be part of the solution By Kathleen D. Hoffman, PhD Seated in the waiting room of a large medical center, I overheard the bright eyed, young man behind the reception desk ask a new patient, “Would you like to learn more about participating in our research?” I smiled and thought, this is part of the solution. But it is a small part. I’ve been going to the same clinic for five years and today is the first time I’ve heard this question. I wondered if anyone would ask me - [...]