Boosting Engagement with Inspire Promote: Sponsored Content

Boosting Engagement with Inspire Promote: Sponsored Content By Odin Soevik Last year we created a new Promote offering - Inspire Promote: Sponsored Content. Sponsored Content, a form of native advertising, allows clients to publish long-form, brand-sponsored content with the look and feel of posts within the discussion feed of our communities. (See, Turning Visitors Into Customers: Introducing Sponsored Content On Inspire). Unlike banners or other advertising products, Inspire Promote: Sponsored Content blends almost seamlessly into the feed. Yet we are careful to follow regulatory guidelines that ensure that the content is clearly labeled and not misleading to members and [...]

Turning Visitors Into Customers: Introducing Sponsored Content On Inspire

Turning Visitors Into Customers: Introducing Sponsored Content On Inspire Trying to get your company’s content in front of engaged patients and caregivers is a daunting task in the information-overloaded Internet.  That’s why it’s important to look for new content discovery strategies. Sponsored Content Sponsored content is becoming the solution for many organizations.   Also called native advertising, sponsored content is a form of advertising that is integrated into the publisher’s platform. Whether a written piece, an infographic, or video, it has the look and feel of the content of that platform. Unlike banners or other advertising products that [...]